Posts Tagged ‘Derby Asthma Treatment’
Derby Asthma treatment , amazing customer benefits from Derby carpet cleaners using our chemical free Asthma treatment system available for homes and commercial properties in Derby and the surrounding areas of Derbyshire and the High Peak.
The Purelight XD Ultraviolet Light Wand is the world’s most advanced germicidal wand, designed to help control disease-causing bacteria and viruses in your environment. The anti-microbial properties of UV-C Light (Ultraviolet Light – C Band) are well known to scientists and have been used since the 1930s to kill germs containing DNA and RNA (including bacteria, viruses, fungi and mold).
Given sufficient intensity and exposure it can kill most of the germs responsible for causing diseases in humans. UV-C Light is invisible to the human eye. It is at a higher frequency than the UV-A Light used in tanning salons. UV-C works by destroying the DNA and RNA (genetic material) of pathogens. Once the DNA in a pathogen has been destroyed, the micro-organism is either killed or deactivated. It can no longer function properly. It can no longer reproduce.
The PurelightUV Wand is a must-have item in every emergency kit. It is also an exceptional environmentally-friendly germicidal tool, acting as a light-based disinfectant so that no harmful chemicals are needed. Therefore, there is no chemical residue, and moderate U/V exposure does not damage material.